Patriot Media Group

(Russian: Медиагруппа “Патриот”)


Address: 197374, St. Petersburg, Prospect Primorsky, 78, building 1, Russian Federation

Telephone: +7 (981) 722 50 09



Associated individuals:

Nikolay Stolyarchuk – (Head of the Coordinating Council of the Patriot Media Group)

Yevgeny Prigozhin (Head of the Board of Trustees of the Patriot Media Group)

Patriot Media Group is a Russian media organisation the Board of Trustees of which is headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin. It spreads pro-Government propaganda and disinformation on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Patriot Media Group defines the ongoing war as a “reclaim of Russian lands from neo-Nazis in Ukraine” and claims that NATO is planning an imminent attack against the Russian Federation.

Patriot Media Group is therefore supporting materially actions and policies which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Associated entities: The Patriot Media Group consists inter alia of: — Federalnoye Agentsvo Novostey (RIA FAN) — Ekonomika Segodnya — Narodnye Novosti — Polityka Segodnya — Slovo i Delo — Zhurnalistskaya Pravda — PolitExpert — iReactor — NewInform — PolitRossiya — Nevskiye Novosti